miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2020

How are mixtures separated?

Hey there!

We continue with the science lessons

On Monday we saw that if we mix two or more elements we get a mixture. Today, we are going to learn how we can separate them.

First listen the audios.
Page 10
Page 11

We have four kinds of separations depending on the elements of the mixture.

Filtration: Heterogeneous mixture made up of a solid and a liquid. Like soil and water.
Evaporation: Homogeneous mixture made up of a solid and a liquid. Like salt and water.
Distillation: Homogeneous mixture made up of two liquids. Like alcohol and water.
Dissolution: Mixture made up of two solid, one soluble and one insoluble. Like soil and salt

There's another separation way that is important to know
Decantation: Heterogenous mixture made up of two liquids. Like oil and water.

Homework: Let's investigate.
Today I recommend you to make exercise number 4 of page 11, is a experiment that you could do at home.

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