miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2020


Hey there.

Today we are going to start a new science unit. We needed for the external test, so let's try to do with this.

If you don't have the Natural Science book with you, don't worry, I will put here the pages, audios and more things to study.

I know that most of you don't have the notebook with you because I asked you to let it at home, so when I send you homework you are going to be able to do them with the computer.

Let's start.

Talking book page 5 This is the audio for the green square

Video to remember what we already know about matter

Created by The Dr. Binocs Show | Best Learning Videos For Kids | Peekaboo Kidz


In a document create a table with two columns: Physical changes - Chemical changes and add in the table the changes of the exercise 2, part a). You can do it on your own and then chek, or listen and complete.

I will ask for the homework when we came back or you can send the document to the school to be checked

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